Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our First Cause...

Just a few short months ago, This charity didn't even exist. A fleeting inspirational spark in the mind started the wheels moving. Born from 4 users of the twitter social networking service, started with $0.00...

All necessary documents have been filed, incorporated as a Not For Profit, and 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption filed with the IRS. All forming documents, as well as ongoing running financials, are now also posted online and available for the viewing pleasure of anyone who wishes to see.

We have successfully raised funds to purchase a basic, low cost computer to organize charity functions, answer emails, maintain the website, blog, etc.

The basic founding structure is in place, and it is now time for our very first CAUSE / ISSUE to focus on!

Eyeglasses for someone who doesn't have insurance or funds?
Blankets, food, and basic medical supplies for a No-Kill animal shelter?
School books for a child?

We would LOVE to hear your suggestions! Since we are a new charity with no funds, we would have to do a fundraiser for the new cause. We are thinking of the following criteria:

A budget of $500 or less, Focus on a very specific cause, We want to be able to document BEFORE and AFTER with pictures or video, so people can see their dollars actually doing something and making a real difference.

Eventually we will have multiple causes and fundraisers for each one simultaneously, however since this will be our first one, it is wise to start "small" and work our way up and grow from there.

Comment on this post with your suggestions, or email them directly to:


Danny Brown said...

While I'm no expert, I'd suggest keeping it simple, be transparent with where the money is going, and do your due diligence on the charity.

This list may help:

Great idea and good luck!

The NonProfit Organization said...

This is exactly what we intend to do. I appreciate the link. Please spread the word... the more people that come to the charity site regularly the better.

We want everyone to spend time on the site and see whats going on :)

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